Accessibility (a11y) is the practice of making your digital service, experience and information understandable and usable for everyone. It's also about treating everyone the same, giving everyone equal opportunity, no matter ability or circumstances.

At Daresay we incorporate this mindset in everything we do and by sharing this list of guidelines with you, we hope to make it easier for other to do it as well.

Go to guidelines

What is this?

The guidelines summarises the accessibility requirements with focus on level A and AA that has been stated in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 but in a more graspable, easier way.


This guideline is developed to support our daily work at Daresay, making it easier to understand how to design and develop more accessible products and services.

How to use

The guidelines is good to use before, during and after the design phase or development phase. It's dividing it into the different elements you use when creating an online experience.

  1. Go to the guidelines
  2. Find one or several categories that’s relevant for you
  3. Read up on the requirements you need to cover for what you've selected
  4. Design or code to meet the requirements one at the time